The Dangers of Not Rekeying Locks After Losing Keys

Hands rekeying a door lock with text "Why Rekey? Control access, save money" and Green Locksmith logo.

Have you ever handed out a house key to a neighbor, pet sitter, or even an ex and thought, “Hmm, I wonder where that key ended up?” If the thought of unknown copies of your keys floating around keeps you up at night, we’ve got just the fix: rekeying your locks. It’s like giving your home security a quick, snazzy makeover—no renovation required! So, let’s walk through why rekeying might just be the best home improvement hack you haven’t tried yet. 

What is Rekeying?

Picture this: instead of changing your entire lock, you’re just changing the key that works with it. It’s like resetting your password on a lock. The lock stays the same, but the old key won’t do the trick anymore. What happens is the pins inside the lock get rearranged so a new key works, and the old one is just useless.

It’s great for times when you want to make sure no one can use an old key—like after moving into a new home, losing a key, or if someone stole it. Rekeying is a quick way to make your locks safer without spending a lot of money on new ones.

Why Consider Rekeying Your Locks?

So, why should rekeying be on your radar? It’s an easy way to update your security without spending a ton. Here’s why it could make a big difference for you:

  • Security: Just moved in? Not sure who else has keys to your home? Rekeying makes sure you’re the only one with access.
  • Cost-Effective: It’s cheaper than replacing all the lock hardware.
  • Quick Solution: It can often be done in just a few minutes, making it a fast way to secure your space.

Imagine this: You’ve just bought a beautiful new house. The last thing you want is the previous owner’s cousin’s friend wandering in because they still have a key. That’s where rekeying comes into play, providing peace of mind with minimal fuss.

How Rekeying Locks Can Improve Your Home Security

By now, you might be wondering how rekeying actually makes your home safer. Let’s get into that. Rekeying your locks plays a role in your comprehensive home security strategy. It’s like making sure all windows and doors are closed before you leave the house—you wouldn’t skip it, right?

Here’s how rekeying steps up your security game:

  • No Unwanted Entries: With rekeyed locks, any old keys floating around out there become useless. This cuts down the risk of someone you don’t trust having access to your home.
  • Part of Bigger Security Measures: Pair rekeying with other security enhancements like alarm systems or motion sensors for a fortified home defense.
  • Immediate Security Upgrade: The moment we rekey your locks, your home’s vulnerability to break-ins drops. It’s instant peace of mind.

Think of it this way: every key is a potential entry ticket into your home. By rekeying, you’re taking back control of who gets a ticket and who doesn’t.

Step-by-Step Guide on Rekeying Your Locks

Interested in how we actually do the rekeying? Here’s a step-by-step look at the process:

  1. Remove the Lock Cylinder: We start by removing the cylinder from your lock. This is where the existing pins are that match your key.
  2. Change the Pins: Next, we switch out these pins to match a new key configuration. It’s a bit like rearranging the tumblers in a safe.
  3. Reassemble and Test: After the new pins are in place, we reassemble the lock and test the new key to ensure everything works smoothly.

While it’s possible to rekey locks yourself, especially if you’re handy, it’s usually best to let professionals like us handle it. This way, it’ll get done right, and you won’t end up accidentally locking yourself out!

When to Call a Professional to Rekey Your Locks

While DIY is great, there are times when calling in the pros is the best call. Here’s when you should reach out to us:

  • Multiple Locks Need Rekeying: If you’ve got a bunch of locks that need rekeying, the complexity increases. We can handle it swiftly and efficiently.
  • High-Security Locks: Got some high-tech locks installed? These can be trickier and require professional tools and knowledge to ensure they’re rekeyed without damage.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your locks are rekeyed by professionals can give you extra confidence in your home’s security, especially if you’ve had security concerns in the past.

Don’t hesitate to call us if you’re unsure. Sometimes, the security of knowing it’s done right is worth far more than doing it yourself.

Cost Considerations for Rekeying Locks

Let’s talk numbers—how much does it actually cost to rekey a lock? Well, it’s definitely more wallet-friendly than getting all-new locks installed. Here’s what you can expect:

  • DIY Rekeying Kits: These can range from $10 to $30, but remember, there’s a bit of a learning curve.
  • Professional Rekeying: Depending on how many locks you need rekeyed and what type of locks they are, professional rekeying typically starts at around $50 per lock.

It’s also worth considering the long-term savings. Rekeying increases your security, potentially avoiding the costs associated with a break-in. Think of it as an investment in your home’s safety.

Quiz: Is It Time to Rekey Your Locks?

1. Have you recently started living in a new place?

  • Yes
  • No

2. Misplaced any keys lately?

  • Yes, I’ve recently lost some keys.
  • No, I keep track of all my keys.

3. Are you aware of who all have copies of your keys?

  • Absolutely, I know each person who has one.
  • Actually, I’m not sure who all have them.

4. Any break-ins or attempted break-ins at your place recently?

  • Yes, sadly.
  • No, thankfully.

5. Still using the locks that were originally installed in your home?

  • Yes, they are the original ones.
  • No, I’ve had them changed.

6. Do you think your locks are secure enough?

  • Yes, they seem very secure.
  • No, I have some doubts about their effectiveness.

7. How often do you hand out your spare keys?

  • Quite often, actually.
  • Rarely or never.

8. Thinking about upgrading to smarter or more advanced locking mechanisms?

  • Yes, it’s on my mind.
  • No, I’m satisfied with what I have.


Mostly Yes: Looks like it’s time to consider rekeying your locks. This isn’t just about replacing old locks but ensuring that your home remains a safe haven. Why not chat with a professional locksmith about boosting your home’s defenses? It’s a smart way to keep up with security, especially with your dynamic lifestyle.

Mostly No: Your locks might be fine for now, but it never hurts to check them periodically. Whether you’re staying put or handing keys to new people, a regular security review is always a wise decision to ensure your peace of mind continues.


Wrapping things up, deciding to rekey your locks is both a savvy and economical choice when you’re looking to bump up your home’s security. Just moved in or thinking about a security refresh? Rekeying could be your go-to move—it keeps your existing locks but switches out the keys. Always a smart play to get the pros involved, though. Why not drop us a line if you’re curious or need some help? We’re here to lend a hand and help you feel secure in your space!

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is rekeying locks, and why is it necessary?

Well, imagine tweaking the guts of your lock so that the old key you’ve tossed into your junk drawer stops working, and you need a fresh one to get the door open. It’s like setting a new password for your home. You’d typically consider this nifty little security upgrade when you’re settling into a new place, if your keys have gone missing (or fallen into the wrong hands), or just when you feel it’s time to beef up your home’s safety.

How often should I consider rekeying locks at my home?

Give your locks a fresh start—rekeying isn’t just for when you move into a new pad. Lost your keys? That’s a perfect time. Had a break-in, or think your keys might be floating around out there in less-than-trustworthy hands? Definitely consider it. And let’s not forget about those keys you’ve had forever, the ones you’ve passed out like candy at Halloween to friends, family, and the occasional handyman over the years. Sometimes, changing your locks is just the refresh your home security needs.

What are the benefits of rekeying locks over replacing them?

For starters, it’s usually easier on your wallet. Rather than buying brand new hardware, you just tweak the inner workings of your existing locks so that only new keys can open them. It’s a straightforward fix that amps up your security, letting you decide who gets in and who doesn’t, all without swapping out the entire lock system. Quick, cost-effective, and pretty clever, right?

Can I rekey locks myself or should I hire a professional?

You can find DIY kits out there, but honestly, bringing in a pro is usually your best bet. Why? Well, locksmiths come armed with the right tools and a boatload of know-how to get the job done swiftly and correctly. Plus, they can toss in some extra tips on keeping your home snug as a bug in a rug security-wise. So, unless you’re really handy, it might be worth leaving the lock tinkering to the experts.

How does rekeying locks improve home security?

It’s like hitting the reset button on your home’s security. If you’ve ever lost your keys, had them stolen, or maybe just handed out one too many to neighbors and dog walkers, rekeying makes sure only the people you trust right now can get in.